We slept in a little later today as the next two days will early risings. We headed back to the Expo Hall to check out the few booths we hadn't visited yet. Here are a few highlights:
That feeling when you come across a website you used in 2012 and then forgot all about it! The HistoryLines website is fantastic in helping you "put meat on the bones" of your family story. After uploading your tree, the program adds historical events which provides context your ancestor's life. I forgot I had even started a story for Catherine Seeley Fitzallen - more changes to the book!!!
Photo-op with Lara Diamond (Lara's Jewnealogy) and Jan Meisels Allen of the IAJGS (International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies) and the JGSCV (Jewish Genealogical Society of the Conejo Valley and Ventura County.)
At the Genlighten booth, I discovered that the "face" of Genlighten is Kim Stankiewicz, the researcher who has been an invaluable resource in my quest for information about Scott's great-grandmother, Catherine Seeley FitzAllen.
I attended two presentations today. The first was Lisa Alzo's informative talk on apps for busy genealogists. I knew about quite a few of them, but it was interesting to hear her positive comments about the JoyFlips app I just downloaded yesterday. The REAL reason I went to her talk was to meet her in person and thank her for all that I have learned from her. I took both of Lisa's Write Stuff Genealogy Intensive online courses. I wouldn't have made the progress on my book without her guidance. Invaluable. Seriously.
The next presentation was about Female Felons. Pretty dicy stuff! I figured I might learn some strategies for obtaining a mugshot of Catherine Seeley FitzAllen. At least one exists (circa 1895 Chicago) but I have had no luck despite MANY attempts to locate it. Turns out - the presenters of this talk are from.....wait for it.....CHICAGO!!! Not only that, but Janis Forte researches the same era - Nineteenth-century female criminals!! A new contact to help me - Yay!!
Then it was time for an early dinner, followed by some much-needed quiet time back in our room until we head off to the After Party!!! Tomorrow looks to be pretty busy too - our last day - hope I can cram in a minute to blog about it!
Want to hear about Lisa Alzo's session! And of course the after party. See you soon!