Still trying to catch up from our European river cruise! The topic for Week 28 of Amy Johnson Crow’s 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks blog challenge was TRAVEL! How perfect is that? Of course, I couldn’t blog about our trip in real time due to poor internet connectivity. I did post every day to my Facebook account (Deborah Samuel Holman) so check there if you’d like to read about each day of our trip. Because many of you do follow me on Facebook, I’m not going to repeat myself here!
If you aren’t aware of why we took this trip, please read my post from June 2: A Heritage Trip - Amsterdam to Austria.
I thought it might be helpful to share some of what I learned about taking a research trip for this week’s post. While the itinerary for this cruise was pretty well set by our cruise line, Grand Circle Travel, I was able to fit in some time for family research.